Need Help With Your Talc Lawsuit?

If you’re here because you believe J&J talc-based baby powder is responsible for your cancer diagnosis, or the diagnosis of a loved one, you’re in the right place. Join the Many is here to educate you on your legal rights and connect you with attorneys who can build and fight your case on your behalf.

Learn If Your Case Qualifies

Building up the courage to fight back against the giant corporations that harmed you isn’t easy. The legal system doesn’t always work in favor of everyday people–but we’re here to change that. Join the Many to access a support network of people who care about your case and can level the playing field for you. Your case review is completely free.

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How It Works

Call 877-264-8042 or fill out the form. We’ll contact you right away to ask a few questions and determine if you may have a qualifying case.

Join the Many by allowing us to gather important records and match you with some of the best legal minds in the country.

Your legal team will build and fight your case on your behalf. No mountains of paperwork required on your part. No legal fees unless you’re awarded compensation.

There are time deadlines to file a claim.
To discuss your claim immediately, click the "Call Us" button below, or dial 877-264-8042

Get Help with Your Talc Lawsuit in

Countless victims of corporate negligence and greed have used Join the Many to secure justice and compensation for themselves and, by extension, help ensure this doesn’t happen to others in the future. Add your voice to the many who stood up and demanded to hold talc powder manufacturers accountable.

Your case may qualify if...

  • You (or your loved one) used a talc-based powder in the genital area for one or more years
  • You (or your loved one) were diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2000 or later OR diagnosed with mesothelioma

If you believe J&J talc baby powder is connected to the passing of a loved one, you can also request a review of their case. Their passing must have occurred after October 2019.

J&J Talcum Powder Lawsuit
Join the Many

You’re Not in This Alone

After your no cost case review, we will connect you with the best law firm for your situation. Join the Many only partners with trusted, vetted firms who have a track record of winning cases like yours. They will build and fight your case on your behalf, updating you on its progress along the way.

Best of all, your legal team won’t charge you a penny unless you are awarded a settlement.

If you’re already dealing with the pain and stress of a cancer diagnosis, deciding to take legal action for the corporation responsible can be terrifying. When the system seems rigged in favor of big business, it may seem out right impossible.

Join the Many believes nothing should stand between you and the justice you deserve. We are committed to handling your talc powder lawsuit from start to finish, so you can worry less about your case and more on living your life in peace.


Notable Verdicts Against J&J

J&J manufactured and marketed its talc-based powder products until 2020–nearly 40 years after researchers began expressing concern about its safety. The company announced it would discontinue talc-based products in the U.S. and Canada, but the damage has been done.

Their inaction has changed thousands of lives, and now those victims are fighting back. Courts and juries across the country believe the evidence is compelling enough to award significant compensation to those who have been affected.

A jury awarded $55 million to Gloria Ristesund, who was being treated for ovarian cancer after using J&J baby powder for decades.
Eva Echeverria received a $417 million verdict after using baby powder daily since the 1950s and developing stage 4 ovarian cancer. 
Stephen Lanzo was awarded $37 million in compensatory damages and $80 million in punitive damages against J&J over claims that he contracted mesothelioma after exposure to contaminated talc powder products.
A jury awarded $30 million to Teresa Leavitt who was diagnosed with mesothelioma, caused by using J&J talcum powder.
A court of appeals upheld a previous $2 billion verdict on behalf of 22 women who alleged talc powder caused their ovarian cancer.
A jury awarded $26.4 million to Christina Prudencio, who claimed J&J’s asbestos-contaminated talc products caused her to develop mesothelioma.
Time Is Running Out to File a Claim
After a cancer diagnosis, most J&J talc powder cases are subject to a strict statute of limitations. The exact time frame depends on where you live. We strongly encourage you to act now to ensure you can receive the compensation you’re owed.
Call now to discuss your claim:
No fees unless you are awarded compensation.

Talc Powder’s Link to Ovarian Cancer & Mesothelioma

Ovarian Cancer

Research has consistently shown up to and over a 90% increase in risk for ovarian cancer for women who use talc-based powder around their genitals. Ovarian cancer symptoms include:

  • Bloating
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation or other bowel issues
  • Feeling full quickly while eating
  • Frequent urination


Talc powder that enters the lungs through inhalation is believed to increase the risk of mesothelioma, which is a cancer that damages the layer of tissue covering most of the body’s internal organs.
Symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Painful coughing
  • Lumps under the skin around the chest

Troubling Talc Powder Discoveries

As far back as the 1970s, researchers have been aware that J&J Baby Powder could possibly cause cancer following prolonged exposure.

Millions of people have used and trusted this product for decades, yet J&J repeatedly failed to warn them of these findings, or that some of their product was contaminated by asbestos, a deadly carcinogen.

Deposits of talc are naturally found near asbestos deposits. When mining for talc, it’s possible for asbestos to find its way into the mined materials. However, even talc that hasn’t been contaminated can be dangerous.

Women who included a talc-based powder, like J&J Baby Powder, in their feminine hygiene routine were more likely to develop ovarian cancer. Researchers found particles of talc deeply embedded in ovarian tumors.

“There is some evidence that talc particles may migrate through the genital tract, through the uterus and fallopian tubes, thus exposing the ovaries and lining of the pelvic organs to the substance,” explains Dr. Daniel Brietkopf, an expert in obstetrics and gynecology at the Mayo Clinic. “Whether talc particles cause ovarian cancer has not been definitively proven by scientists. Given the uncertainty regarding talc, it seems prudent to limit its use in the genital area.”

Additional research showed that talc powder can enter the lungs via inhalation, resulting in a greater risk of lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Talcum Powder Link to Cancer

Your Questions, Answered

Join the Many will review your case for free. There is no obligation to move forward once we determine your case’s eligibility. If you do wish to continue, we will carefully match you with attorneys who work on a contingency basis, meaning they charge no legal fees unless you are awarded a settlement.

Submit your request on this page, or give us a call at 877-264-8042. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible to start reviewing your case.

Based on our review, we’ll determine if your case may qualify for a settlement. If it does, we’ll connect you with a law firm who will immediately begin building your case. We’ll also get your permission to help gather important records, so you don’t have to worry about tracking down your medical history or key dates in your diagnosis.

Although we can’t predict your exact settlement, previous rulings can give us an idea of what you may expect. Awards range from thousands into the hundreds of millions–it just depends on the case.

Regardless, your case will be decided on its own. That means you won’t share a settlement with hundreds of other people and receive a check for a few dollars, while attorneys walk away with thousands.

Still have questions?

Give us a call at 877-264-8042 and we'll answer any questions you have.

Find Out If You Qualify Before It's Too Late!
If you or your loved one used a talc-based powder and developed one of these illnesses, Join the Many can help determine if you’re among the thousands who qualify for compensation. We’re here to make sure the legal system works for you, not big corporations.