Unraveling the Roundup Lawsuit: Profits, Problems, and the Pursuit of Justice

This Roundup Lawsuit Can Become a Positive Catalyst for Systemic Change Across All Big Industries

The Roundup Glyphosate Lawsuit: Understand the Battle Ahead

In the midst of the Roundup Cancer Lawsuit, it becomes imperative to delve into the intricacies of this situation, seeking a deeper comprehension of why it is paramount to hold corporations accountable. This case underscores the pressing need to reevaluate our moral and ethical compass within the corporate world. Decisions affecting countless lives should prioritize the well-being of all, even at the expense of reduced profit margins or diminished revenue.

The Truth Stands Unwavering

In a society where the very bedrock of health is compromised, how can we chart a path forward, ensuring the fulfillment of even the most fundamental human needs?

As we uncover that a significant portion of this contamination results from a well-orchestrated, covert operation masquerading as safety measures, how do we address the widespread global implications of this highly organized tactical endeavor?

More Weed Killer than Vitamins in Many Brands

The list above should create some discomfort.

What Has Changed over Last 30 Years

“Disease on a macro level is off the charts, and when you become more familiar with how the human body processes toxins, you begin to recognize how easy it is for us to fall ill.”

Did you know that there are over 800 pesticides registered for use in the United States alone?

Did you know the EPA has yet to create regulatory safety standards for an estimated 200+ hazardous chemical variations that are currently bulk labeled as ‘inert’ or ‘active’ ingredients within Roundup?

Enough is enough.

Reader Disclosure: Our intentions are rooted in helping to create real change. We recognize that many of today’s problems are simply the result of many, many decisions that were based within an older paradigm, where companies have done whatever they felt was necessary to increase profits while taking out competition – via putting others out of business or gobbling them up to positively impact stock value.

This exhaustively thorough web page will be continually updated as we build upon the growing knowledge base – pulling from research collected from the many good humans who’ve already drawn a line in the sand to help unravel this mess – while creating proactive solutions for the good of all.

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Each of the Roundup Lawsuit-related graphics within this web page was intentionally created so you can save and share to your social media profiles.

Let us shine more light by liking and sharing far and wide. Let us inspire others to do the same so that our children and their future children get to experience a less toxic world.

We, The Many, appreciate your help shining more light on this very important matter.

The mainstream media has their hands full keeping your attention on whatever distraction will get them the most attention, while these big entities with unlimited budgets to protect shareholder value will continue to do their best to minimize the issue – with the hopes of continuing business as usual, maintaining a positive brand image while growing Customer Lifetime Value and Shareholder Stock Price.

“If something doesn’t genuinely serve the well-being of our nearest and dearest, it’s a resounding ‘no’ from us.”

This is an Active Lawsuit

Act now by requesting your free case review with one of our top attorneys today or call 888-999-2739.

Why You Should Be More Concerned About This Roundup Lawsuit & All Parties Involved

The ongoing Roundup lawsuit against Monsanto, now Bayer AG has unearthed a pressing concern that demands our immediate attention.

We are compelled to hold those responsible accountable for their actions and support all innocent victims. It is not only our moral duty but a necessity to prevent repeating the errors that led to this situation.

This responsibility extends to safeguarding the future, particularly for our children and the generations that will inherit this planet as its caretakers. We have arrived at a juncture where decisive action is imperative.

Zoom Out - Deals & Acquisitions

As we delve deeper into the revelations surrounding toxic chemicals in our environment, it becomes increasingly evident that corporate avarice and negligence have prevailed for far longer than most people currently alive. These major chemical companies have exploited existing regulatory gaps, perpetually producing slightly altered chemicals under new patents and trademarks.

Zoom Out Forecast of Bigger Problem

This strategy allows them to repackage and reintroduce these substances into a wide array of consumer products to maximize shareholder value.

Customer lifetime value reigns supreme in their business model, and they have mastered the art of creating problems and then marketing solutions that merely alleviate symptoms, without addressing the root causes. This systemic manipulation cries out for cessation.

Roundup Glyphosate Lawsuit

Latest Updates More People Should Know About Glyphosate and its Carcinogenic Properties

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) ruled glyphosate a carcinogen. The IARC said that along with other Monsanto chemicals Roundup could cause non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Glyphosate Lawsuit
Glyphosate Key Ingredient in Roundup

The mass spraying of glyphosate has led to the explosion of resistant weeds, which have evolved to survive despite being sprayed. Already, weeds resistant to the herbicide are found on half of all American farmers’ fields and are present on upward of 100 million acres of cultivated cropland.

Why Discernment is Needed EPA Dragging Feet

At present, there are more than 50k plaintiffs suing Bayer, claiming glyphosate caused cancer.

Are We Safe Yet
The Practice of Animal Testing

The Hidden Cost of The Herbicide Brand, Roundup & other Tactical Pesticides

What is Glyphosate

Explaining Herbicides to Your 3rd Grader

Imagine you have a garden where you grow lots of different plants, like fruits and vegetables. Sometimes, little insects and weeds (unwanted plants) can come and try to eat or take up space with the plants you want to grow. Farmers have a special spray called a pesticide, which is like a superhero shield for plants. One type of pesticide is called Roundup, and it has a special ingredient called glyphosate.

When farmers spray Roundup on their fields, it helps protect the plants they want to grow by stopping the weeds from growing and the insects from eating the plants. This way, the plants can grow big and strong without having to compete with the weeds and bugs.

But here’s the interesting part: while Roundup helps plants grow better, sometimes it can also affect the soil and the nutrients in it. Nutrients are like vitamins for plants – they help the plants stay healthy and make the fruits and veggies we like to eat full of good stuff for our bodies.

So, using Roundup can sometimes make the plants grow really well, but it might also make the fruits and veggies not as rich in nutrients as they could be. This is why some people talk about finding a balance between using pesticides to protect the plants and making sure the food we get from those plants is still really good for us.

In short, herbicides like Roundup can be like a shield to protect plants from pests, but we also need to think about making sure the food stays healthy and full of nutrients for us to eat.

The Environmental Impact

We still wonder how we are getting sick easier

“Soil is life, so caring about soil means caring about life; it’s a simple equation. All current and future generations’ lives on earth depend on soil, so everyone should talk about soil, not only practitioners.”

Pesticides and the purposefully destructive chemicals within most being sold today, are Killing our Microbes

Pesticides are one of the major contributors to environmental pollution, which helped create the environmental movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Pesticides contribute to various adverse health outcomes, including cancer, autoimmune disorders, birth defects, reproductive failures, developmental abnormalities, and learning disabilities.

Glyphosate Exposure

Herbicides, pesticides and insecticides are killing off our core microbes. In the past 30 years, these have reduced nature’s bacteria and fungi by more than 99%, largely due to the chemicals running rampant in nature and killing anything that moves (or doesn’t move).

Natural, synthetic, and biopesticide products have all been used to control plant health problems. Each is a pesticide defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They are also classified as herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides.

What Are Microbes?

Microbes are small organisms like bacteria and viruses that live in our bodies and around us. They help us digest food and fight off infections. Some microbes are good; some are bad; some are neutral. The balance of microbes in our bodies is called our microbiome or gut flora.

Impacts on Human and Environment Visual Info

Our bodies contain trillions of microbes — more than ten times more than human cells — that help us digest food and fight infections. These microbes are also essential for keeping us healthy by creating vitamins and enzymes that our bodies need to function properly.

Impacts of Glyphosate - Safety vs Toxicity Info

How are GMO crops and GMO seeds and the use of harmful herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and other heavy metals that are sprayed during geo-engineering negatively affecting the world we live in today?

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and the use of certain agricultural practices, such as the application of harmful chemicals like herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides, as well as geoengineering efforts involving the release of heavy metals into the environment, have raised concerns about their potential negative impacts on the world. Here’s a breakdown of the potential negative effects and how to raise awareness for a more socially responsible approach:

  • Biodiversity Loss: GMO crops, especially those engineered for herbicide tolerance, can reduce biodiversity as they may encourage monoculture farming practices. This can negatively impact ecosystems and disrupt the delicate balance of different species that depend on one another.
  • Pesticide Resistance: Overusing pesticides and insecticides in conjunction with GMO crops can lead to developing pesticide-resistant pests and weeds. This requires even stronger chemicals to be used, further damaging ecosystems and potentially human health.
Herbicide vs Pesticide
  • Soil Health: Heavy use of chemicals can degrade soil quality, affecting its fertility and structure. This can lead to decreased agricultural productivity in the long term and contribute to soil erosion.
  • Water Contamination: Chemicals used in agriculture, including pesticides and herbicides, can leach into groundwater and nearby water bodies, contaminating drinking water sources and harming aquatic ecosystems.
  • Human Health Concerns: There are debates about the potential long-term health effects of consuming GMO foods and products treated with various chemicals. Although studies are ongoing, some worry about allergens, antibiotic-resistant genes, and other unintended health consequences.
  • Economic Impacts: The consolidation of seed and chemical companies, often associated with GMOs and their corresponding chemicals, can lead to a lack of diversity in the seed market, reducing options for farmers and potentially increasing costs.
  • Unintended Ecological Effects: The release of genetically modified organisms into the environment can lead to unintended ecological consequences, as genes from GMOs can potentially spread to wild populations, altering ecosystems in unpredictable ways.
  • Geo-Engineering Risks: While geoengineering efforts aim to address climate change, some methods involve releasing substances like heavy metals into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight. These could have unforeseen environmental impacts, such as altering weather patterns or causing ecological disruptions.

How can we help our fellow humans understand the connectedness of it all – so that we can become more proactive – individually – to help steer things in a more socially responsible direction?

  • Education: Provide accessible and balanced information about GMOs, agricultural practices, and geo-engineering to the general public. Highlight potential risks and benefits so individuals can make informed decisions.
  • Transparency and Labeling: Advocate for clearly labeling GMO products and products treated with chemicals. This empowers consumers to make choices aligned with their values.
  • Support Sustainable Farming: Promote organic and regenerative farming practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and reduced chemical usage.
    Advocate for Regulations: Support policies that promote responsible GMO development, thorough testing, and proper regulation of chemical use in agriculture and geoengineering.
  • Community Engagement: Organize workshops, discussions, and community events to encourage dialogue on these topics and foster a sense of interconnectedness among different environmental and societal concerns.
  • Consumer Choices: Encourage individuals to make conscious choices in their purchases, supporting companies and practices aligned with sustainable and socially responsible values.
  • Scientific Research: Promote independent scientific research on the potential impacts of GMOs, chemicals, and geo-engineering to understand their long-term effects on ecosystems, human health, and society.
  • Collaboration: Foster collaboration between scientists, policymakers, environmentalists, and the general public to address these complex challenges collectively.

By increasing awareness and understanding of the interconnectedness of these issues, individuals can become more proactive in advocating for responsible practices and policies that prioritize both the environment and human well-being.

Human Health Concerns

Glyphosate in Most Food Today

Brutal Truths About the Negative Impact of Pesticides on our Bodies’ Innate Ability to Heal

First Time in History - Complete Contamination of Immune Systems

Pesticide exposure is a risk factor for cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

Kaur K, Kaur R. Occupational Pesticide Exposure, Impaired DNA Repair, and Diseases. Indian J Occup Environ Med. 2018 May-Aug;22(2):74-81. doi: 10.4103/ijoem.IJOEM_45_18. PMID: 30319227; PMCID: PMC6176703.

Pesticides induce oxidative DNA damage, adducts, and single or double-strand DNA breaks. Various mechanisms of DNA repair deal with such damages and help maintain cell integrity. Alteration in DNA repair genes modulates the individual’s susceptibility toward DNA repair and multiple diseases.”
Source: Ledda, C., Cannizzaro, E., Cinà, D. et al. Oxidative stress and DNA damage in agricultural workers after exposure to pesticides. J Occup Med Toxicol 16, 1 (2021). https://occup-med.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12995-020-00290-z

The Impact of Pesticides on Human Bodies of Life

Brutal Truths Visual of Impacts on Human and Environment
Chronically ill humans had significantly higher glyphosate residues in urine than healthy humans

The use of pesticides can have adverse effects on human health. Short-term exposure to high levels of pesticides can cause symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

Long-term exposure to pesticides has been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers and neurological and reproductive effects.

Pesticides can also harm beneficial insects and animals, disrupt ecosystems, and lead to the development of pesticide-resistant pests.

Glyphosate In Tissues and our Bones

It is important to use pesticides only when necessary and to follow proper application guidelines to minimize potential harm to human health and the environment.

Glyphosate is Heavily Embedded in Pet Food

What Pesticides are Linked to Cancer?

Three chemicals used as pesticides – arsenic, ethylene oxide, and lindane – are among agents rated as group one carcinogens, or conclusive causes of cancer, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), as is the chemical 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), which may occur as a contaminant in certain pesticides.

How many types of Pesticides are there?

There are many different types of pesticides. One common way to classify pesticides is based on their mode of action or how they kill or control pests.

Some common types of pesticides include:

  • Insecticides: These pesticides are used to control insects and other arthropods. They can be further classified as contact, stomach, or systemic insecticides.
  • Herbicides: These pesticides are used to control weeds and other unwanted plants. They can be further classified as selective or non-selective herbicides.
  • Fungicides: These pesticides are used to control fungal diseases in plants. They can be further classified as protectant or systemic fungicides.
  • Rodenticides: These pesticides are used to control rodent pests such as rats and mice. They can be further classified as anticoagulants, acute toxins or growth regulators.
  • Molluscicides: These pesticides are used to control mollusk pests such as snails and slugs.
  • Bactericides: These pesticides are used to control bacterial diseases in plants and animals.
  • Miticides: These pesticides are used to control mites and other arthropod pests.
    Nematicides: These pesticides are used to control nematode pests.

It’s important to note that some pesticides can be multi-purpose and target several types of pests, and some can have multiple modes of action. Also, new types of pesticides are being developed, such as biopesticides derived from natural materials such as microorganisms. They are considered less harmful to human health and the environment.

How do Pesticides get into Our Water Supply?

Pesticides can enter the water supply through a variety of means. One way is through runoff, rain or irrigation water, which carries pesticides from treated fields or lawns into nearby waterways.

Pesticides can also leach into groundwater from soil treated with chemicals.

Additionally, pesticides can enter the water supply through agricultural or residential drainage systems or improper storage or disposal of pesticides.

Climate change also plays a role as the increasing frequency of extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall or floods can flush pesticides into streams and rivers, carrying them into larger bodies of water and even into the groundwater.

What are some more common symptoms of pesticide toxicity in the human body?

Pesticide toxicity can cause a wide range of symptoms depending on the type of pesticide, the amount of exposure, and the duration of exposure.

Some common symptoms of pesticide toxicity in the human body include:

  • Acute symptoms: Headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue are common symptoms of acute pesticide exposure. Exposure can lead to seizures, unconsciousness, and even death in severe cases.
  • Skin irritation: Pesticides can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions, including rashes, itching, and burning sensations.
  • Respiratory symptoms: Pesticides can cause respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing.
  • Eye irritation: Pesticides can cause eye irritation, redness, and watering.
  • Neurological symptoms: Pesticides can cause neurological symptoms such as tremors, confusion, memory loss, and depression.
  • Endocrine disruption: Pesticides can disrupt the body’s endocrine system, leading to changes in hormone levels and symptoms such as infertility, birth defects, and developmental delays.

It’s important to note that some symptoms may not appear immediately after exposure and may take days or weeks to manifest. Some long-term health effects of pesticide exposure may only appear years after the exposure.

It’s also important to remember that the symptoms can vary depending on the type of pesticide, the dose, the duration of exposure, and the health status of the person exposed.

If you suspect you have been exposed to pesticides, it’s essential to seek medical attention immediately and inform the health care provider of the exposure.

What is the human body’s first line of defense against the toxic chemicals within pesticides?

Our Bodies Regenerate New Cells Daily

The skin and mucous membranes are the human body’s first line of defense against toxic chemicals, including those found in pesticides. These physical barriers prevent many harmful substances from entering the body.

The skin is a barrier to protect the body from harmful substances and infection. At the same time, mucous membranes in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts also help to filter out toxic substances. Additionally, enzymes in the liver and other organs detoxify and neutralize harmful chemicals, such as pesticides, that may enter the body.

Other mechanisms, such as the immune system, protect the body against harmful chemicals by identifying and neutralizing foreign substances.

However, these mechanisms are not specific to pesticides, and they are not a primary defense against chemical toxicity but rather a secondary instrument that is activated after exposure.

It’s important to note that these defenses can be overwhelmed if the exposure is very high, prolonged, or repeated, leading to significant health impacts.

What can we do proactively to take better care of our Microbiome or Gut Flora to help keep us healthy while fighting off the toxic chemicals in these pesticides?

Healthy Gut and Detoxification Capabilities

There are several ways to take care of our microbiome and gut flora to help keep us healthy amidst fighting off the toxic chemicals found in pesticides:

  • A diverse and balanced diet: Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fermented foods, such as yogurt and kefir, can help to promote a healthy and diverse microbiome.
  • Avoiding antibiotics and other drugs: Antibiotics and other medications can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, so it is essential to use them only when necessary.
  • Reducing stress: Chronic stress can negatively impact the gut microbiome, so it is crucial to find ways to manage stress through more mindful physical activities. Such as yoga, meditation, walking, and stretching — any exercise that puts you in a positive state of mind should be a mandatory part of the daily protocol.
  • Minimizing exposure to pesticides and other toxins: Avoiding exposure to pesticides and other toxins can help to keep the gut microbiome healthy. This means eating organic food, using natural cleaning products, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Probiotics and prebiotics: Consuming probiotics, which are live microorganisms that can provide health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts, and prebiotics, which are non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, can help to maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

It’s important to note that maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is a complex process.

gut microbiome

It’s not only about avoiding exposure to toxins but also about a combination of lifestyle, diet, and other factors that can positively impact the gut microbiome.

Are any minerals, nutrients, or vitamins known to impact the human body’s natural detoxification process of excretion positively?

Several minerals, nutrients, and vitamins are known to positively impact the human body’s natural detoxification process of excretion.

Some of these include:

  • Fiber: Eating a diet high in fiber can help to promote regular bowel movements and flush toxins out of the body.
  • Vitamin C: This nutrient acts as an antioxidant and helps to neutralize free radicals, which can damage cells and contribute to chronic disease. Vitamin C also helps the body to produce glutathione, a compound that plays an essential role in detoxification.
  • Vitamin A: This nutrient is essential for maintaining the skin and mucous membrane, which act as the body’s first line of defense against toxins.
  • Vitamin E: This nutrient acts as an antioxidant and helps to protect cells from damage.
  • Vitamin B12: This nutrient plays a vital role in producing red blood cells and maintaining the nervous system. It also helps in the metabolism of homocysteine, an amino acid that can be toxic when it builds up in the body.
  • Iron: This mineral is essential for producing hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. It also helps in the metabolism of some toxins.
  • Zinc: This mineral plays an essential role in the immune system and helps to neutralize toxins.
  • Selenium: This mineral acts as an antioxidant and helps to neutralize free radicals.
  • Magnesium: This mineral helps in the functioning of the nervous system and muscle and it also helps in the elimination of toxins through the kidneys and bowels.
  • Glutathione: This compound is a powerful antioxidant produced by the body and plays an important role in detoxification.

It’s important to note that maintaining a balanced and healthy diet is essential for overall health, including the support of the body’s detoxification process.

Also, taking supplements of these nutrients may only be appropriate for some; if you have a go-to holistic, integrated healthcare professional who is familiar with your situation – we encourage you to discuss with them before starting any supplement regimen.

We also recommend finding the highest quality Magnesium product possible…

Magnesium is an essential mineral critical in the body’s natural detoxification process.

Proper magnesium levels are vital for several reasons:

  • Enzyme function: Magnesium is necessary to properly operate over 300 enzymes in the body, including those involved in detoxifying harmful chemicals. Enzymes catalyze reactions that break down toxins and help to eliminate them from the body.
  • Glutathione production: Magnesium is essential for producing glutathione, an important antioxidant and detoxifying agent that helps neutralize free radicals and toxins in the body.
  • Supporting the liver: Magnesium, which is the body’s primary detoxifying organ, is vital for the proper functioning of the liver. Adequate magnesium intake supports the liver’s ability to filter toxins and remove them from the body.
  • Helping eliminate toxins through the kidneys: Magnesium is necessary for the proper functioning of the kidneys, which helps filter toxins and waste products out of the blood and excrete them in the urine.
  • Promoting regular bowel movements: Magnesium can help regulate bowel movements and eliminate toxins through the feces.
  • Regulating body temperature: Magnesium helps regulate body temperature by dissipating heat through sweat and helps in the excretion of toxins through sweat.

It’s important to note that low magnesium levels can cause several health issues, such as muscle cramps, fatigue, and constipation. These symptoms can make it harder for the body to detoxify, so it’s crucial to maintain adequate magnesium levels through a balanced diet and supplements if needed.

How does water assist the human body’s natural detoxification process?

Water plays an essential role in assisting with the human body’s natural detoxification process in a few ways:

  • Flushing toxins: Water helps to flush toxins out of the body by carrying them away in urine and sweat. Adequate water intake is essential to ensure that the kidneys and liver can function properly and effectively remove waste products and toxins from the body.
  • Enhancing digestion: Water is also essential for proper functioning of the digestive system. It helps to soften stools and move food through the intestines, which can assist in the elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Supporting the skin: Water is vital for the skin’s overall health, one of the body’s primary detoxification organs. Adequate water intake helps keep the skin hydrated and supports the elimination of toxins through sweat.
  • Regulating body temperature: Water helps to regulate body temperature by dissipating heat through sweat. Sweating can also help to eliminate toxins through the skin.
  • Aiding in the production of lymph: Drinking enough water is essential to help the lymphatic system function properly. Lymph is a fluid that circulates throughout the body and carries waste products and toxins away from the cells to be eliminated by the body.

It’s important to note that the human body needs a sufficient amount of water intake; the recommended intake varies depending on factors such as age, sex, weight, and activity level.

Still, a general guideline is around eight glasses a day.

Dehydration can negatively affect the body’s ability to detoxify and remove toxins, so it’s essential to drink enough water to stay hydrated.
All in all, we must be aware of pesticides’ implications on our environment and bodies.

The dangers of these toxic chemicals are far too great to ignore, as they can be both destructive and dangerous. We must stay informed of their properties and any potential health risks they may pose for us.

Additionally, education about the existence of different types of pesticides found commonly in food and water supplies must also be increased so that we can reduce the risk of contamination.

Furthermore, arming ourselves with knowledge about what steps we can take proactively to protect ourselves from toxins in pesticide exposure can do wonders for our overall well-being.

A healthy microbiome or gut flora is critical in helping us combat these dangerous chemicals, so maintaining a diet rich in minerals, nutrients, and vitamins could prove helpful.

Lastly, remember that staying hydrated is vital in helping our body detoxify itself. Awareness is half the battle in this fight against pesticides; proactive solutions and personal responsibility will always be necessary if we want to keep the environment clean and safe for generations.

Alternatives to Conventional Herbicides and other types of Pesticides that are Harmful to Humans and the Environment

Nature’s Remedies to Test Out for Yourself Within Your Own Home Garden:

  • Flies: Basil, Mint, Lavender, Rosemary
  • Moths: Rosemary, Lavender
  • Mosquitos: Marigold, Mint Basil, Catnip, Lemongrass
  • Ants: Mint, Peppermint, Chrysanthemums
  • Ticks: Catnip, Lavender, Chrysanthemums
  • Spiders: Mint, Lavender, Chrysanthemums
  • Cockroaches: Catnip, Lemongrass

Understanding the Extremely Unique Regulatory Challenges We Face Today

Legal does not mean safe

“There’s a really interesting example right now where Mexico is demanding non-GMO grains from the United States and the Biden Administration is taking them to trade court… That’s like a 7 million acre opportunity for American farmers to grow something with a premium with no GMOs in it, and our government is actually pushing against it.
NY Farmer Ben Dobson on How the U.S. Government Is Turning Our Food Supply Into Genetically Modified Commodities

How Does the EPA Determine Acceptable Levels of Pesticides?

The EPA determines acceptable levels of pesticides based on their potential for harm to humans and wildlife and their effectiveness at reducing crop damage from pests without posing unreasonable risks to people or animals exposed to them through food or water supply contamination or by contact with treated crops or surfaces.

How Reliable Are the Safety Limits?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets safety limits for pesticide residues on food and water supplies. Still, these limits are based on short-term “acute” exposure studies that don’t reflect long-term chronic exposure. The EPA doesn’t consider how low-level chronic exposure might increase the risk of developing cancer or other health problems over time.

What if the People who are working at these regulatory organizations become compromised?

This is unacceptable. Enough is enough.

The Way Forward

Holding big corporations financially accountable for negligence is essential for several reasons:

  • Deterrence: When corporations face significant financial consequences for their negligent actions, it acts as a deterrent. The fear of substantial financial losses encourages corporations to prioritize safety, ethical practices, and compliance with regulations to avoid legal repercussions.
  • Compensation: Negligence can result in harm to individuals, communities, and the environment. Holding corporations accountable financially ensures that victims receive compensation for the damages they’ve suffered. This compensation can aid in medical expenses, lost wages, environmental cleanup, and other costs related to rectifying the harm caused.
  • Fairness and Justice: Holding corporations accountable promotes fairness and justice by ensuring that those responsible for harm are held responsible. It prevents a situation where powerful entities can act recklessly without consequences, which would create an unfair and unjust society.
  • Public Safety: Corporate negligence can pose serious threats to public safety, whether in the form of unsafe products, environmental pollution, workplace hazards, or other risks. Holding corporations accountable helps protect the well-being of individuals and communities.
  • Preventing Future Incidents: Financial accountability can drive corporations to improve their practices and invest in better safety measures. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of similar incidents occurring in the future.

As for supporting those who call out corporations and stand up for others even when it might hurt their public reputation:

  • Ethical Responsibility: It’s important to prioritize ethics and values over short-term popularity. Individuals who have the courage to speak out against wrongdoing are upholding principles of honesty, accountability, and justice. Supporting them is a way of reinforcing these values in society.
  • Long-Term Impact: While it might seem like standing up against corporations’ wrongdoing could hurt someone’s reputation in the short term, such actions often lead to long-term respect and admiration. People tend to appreciate those with the integrity to take a stand, even when difficult.
  • Cultural Change: Supporting those who challenge the status quo can contribute to a cultural shift towards responsible behavior and accountability. By showing that there are consequences for negligence and that there’s societal support for ethical actions, you’re helping to create a more responsible business environment.
  • Collective Power: When a group of individuals collectively supports those who call out negligence, it sends a strong message that unethical behavior won’t be tolerated. This can pressure corporations to address their shortcomings and make positive changes.
  • Redefining Reputation: Over time, a reputation built on ethical behavior and standing up for what’s right can be more enduring and meaningful than a reputation built on short-term gains. Supporting individuals who speak out can help redefine what it means to have a positive public reputation.

In summary, holding corporations financially accountable for negligence is crucial for deterring harmful behavior, promoting justice, and safeguarding public interests.

“Supporting individuals who stand up against wrongdoing, even if it temporarily affects their reputation, is essential for driving ethical change, ensuring accountability, and creating a more just and responsible society.”

The Monsanto Timeline: The Hidden History & Connections to Parties You Probably Don’t Know About

Monsanto was founded in St. Louis, Missouri, by John Francis Queeny, a 30-year pharmaceutical industry veteran. Its first products were commodity food additives, like saccharin, and caffeine.

Most people recognize the name Monsanto from their internationally dominant “Herbicide / Pesticide / Insecticide” formulation, RoundUp… known for its active ingredient Glyphosate, an effective way to manage unwanted weeds while helping commercial farmers produce more predictable crop volume.

Most recently, farmers have used glyphosate growing RoundUp Ready GMO Crops as a desiccant to speed the harvest of grain crops like wheat, oats, barley, and several other crops.

They can do this by spraying fields early, essentially killing the crop so they can harvest early, producing more volume to sell.

Notable Monsanto Creations w/ Similar Track Record

⚠️ 1920s & 1930s —> Sulfuric Acid & Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs).

⚠️ 1940s —> Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT – The original synthetic pesticide.

Their pivot into chemical pesticides for agriculture came after WW2, more than likely due to new business relationships after some key personnel from Monsanto were recruited to work on the DaytonProject, which was an R&D project within the larger ManhattanProject, responsible for the purification of plutonium.

⚠️ In 1944, they began manufacturing the original version of our modern synthetic insecticides, DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), initially used to combat malaria, typhus, and other insect-borne human diseases among military and civilian populations.

DDT’s success at destroying insect life led to updating packaging for a new consumer batch, widely used throughout the United States and expanded into other countries.

⚠️ 1960s —> Agent Orange for US Military as Vietnam Government Contractor alongside Dow Chemicals and others. However, Monsanto’s Agent Orange had Dioxin levels many times higher than Dow’s. Internal Monsanto Memos show that Monsanto knew of the problems of dioxin contamination when it sold the product to the U.S. Government for use in Vietnam.

What value proposition led to the manufacturing procurement of Agent Orange by the U.S. Government for use in Vietnam? Highly Effective Tactical Pesticide – Created to Destroy – with a Dual Purpose.

“Stripping away dense foliage areas that may conceal Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces and destroying crops that might feed the enemy.”

During the period 1961 through 1969, 70 million kg were produced in the United States.

Operation Ranch Hand - 50 Million Liters of Dioxin

Approximately 24 million kg was procured by the United States military for use in Vietnam, 36 million kg were used in domestic herbaceous and woody plant control programs, and the remaining 10 million kg was exported to other countries.

Originally Patented for Pipe Cleaning

⚠️ 1970s —> Monsanto introduces “Lasso” – A new direct-to-consumer friendly herbicide

It wasn’t until 1972 that the newly founded EPA issued a cancellation order for DDT based on its adverse environmental effects, such as those to wildlife and potential human health risks.

With key relationships in place and sustainable growth, Monsanto continued to innovate with their destructive chemical compound business.

From 1965 to 1969, they manufactured Agent Orange for the US military alongside Dow Chemicals operating as a wartime government contractor.

However, Monsanto’s Agent Orange had dioxin levels many times higher than Dow’s. Internal Monsanto Memos show that Monsanto knew of the problems of dioxin contamination when it sold the product to the U.S. Government for use in Vietnam.

Operation Ranch Hand

The overly linear minds during that period were excited about the value proposition of stripping away dense foliage that could conceal enemy combatants.

A Painful Legacy

–>> The EPA discovered that Monsanto had falsified the data, and if it had been done correctly, they would have reached the opposite result.

The scientists at Monsanto continued to innovate. They found some learnings with the short-lived success of a new consumer-friendly herbicide called Lasso.

By the time Agent Orange was banned, Monsanto had already created an even better replacement.

⚠️ 1974 —> Monsanto launched the weed killer we all know today, “Roundup” (active ingredient: Glyphosate), helping Monsanto achieve the title of “World’s Largest Producer of Herbicides.”

Monsanto discovers weed killing properties

However, with more light being shined upon this winning company, Monsanto executives knew they needed to remain proactive… as the primary producer of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls PCBs – environmental clean-up costs and lawsuits began to cut into their bottom line.

⚠️ 1982 —> 2,000 people relocated from Times Beach, Missouri, after the area was contaminated with PCB by-product dioxin.

Did You Know This?

Monsanto began production of polychlorinated biphenyls in the United States in 1929… PCBs were an industrial wonder chemical – an oil that would not burn, was impervious to degradation, and had limitless applications… Ah… Forever Chemicals.

⚠️ 1987 —> $180 Million settlement for Vietnam War Veterans exposed to Agent Orange.

⚠️ 1990’s —> Monsanto completes acquisition of Calgene Inc., DEKALB Genetics, and other biotechnology firms, making it a leader in developing and producing genetically modified crop seeds.

⚠️ 1991 —> Fine for concealing discharge of contaminated wastewater.

⚠️ 1994 —> Regulatory approval for the first biotech product, a dairy cow hormone called Posilac. It began commercial production of BST (bovine somatropin), a synthetic supplement for dairy cows.

⚠️ 1994 —> It began commercial production of BST (bovine somatropin), a synthetic supplement for dairy cows.

⚠️ 1995 —> $41.1 million to a waste management company in Texas due to hazardous waste dumping.

⚠️ 1995 —> EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory ranks Monsanto 5th for discharging 37 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the air, land, water, and underground.

⚠️ 1996 —> Introduces first biotech crop, Roundup Ready soybeans, which tolerate spraying of Roundup herbicide, and biotech cotton engineered to resist insect damage.

⚠️ 1997 —> A report that Monsanto sold 6,000 tons of contaminated waste to Idaho fertilizer companies containing carcinogenic heavy metal cadmium.

⚠️ 1998 —> Introduces Roundup Ready corn.

⚠️ 2000 – 2002 —> Restructures in deal with Pharmacia & Upjohn; separates agri and chem businesses and becomes stand-alone agriculture company. The Pharmacia Corporation is a pharmaceutical company that by 2003 would itself become a subsidiary of Pfizer.

⚠️ 2002 —> Washington Post publishes the article, “Monsanto Hid Decades of Pollution, PCBs Drenched Ala. Town, But No One Was Ever Told.”

⚠️ 2002 – 2003 —> Jury finds Monsanto plant in Anniston, Alabama, polluted community with PCBs. Monsanto and Solutia agree to pay $600 million to settle claims brought by 20,000 Anniston residents of PCB ground and water contamination.

⚠️ 2003 —> Solutia files Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

⚠️ 2004 —> Monsanto forms American Seeds Inc. holding company for corn and soybean seed deals and begins brand acquisitions.

⚠️ 2005 —> Environmental, consumer groups question Roundup Ready crops’ safety, saying they create “super weeds,” among other problems.

⚠️ 2006 – 2007 —> Buys several regional seed companies, and cotton seed leader Delta and Pine Land Co. Competitors allege that Monsanto is gaining a monopoly on the industry.

⚠️ 2008 —> Acquires sugarcane breeding companies and a Dutch hybrid seed company. Sells Posilac business amid consumer and food industry concerns about the dairy cow hormone supplement.

⚠️ 2008 – 2009 —> U.S. Department of Justice says it is looking into monopolistic power in the U.S. seed industry.

⚠️ 2009 —> Posts record net sales of $11.7 billion and net income of $2.1 billion for fiscal 2009. Announces project to improve the living conditions of 10,000 small cotton and corn farmers in 1,100 villages in India; donates cotton technology to academic researchers.

⚠️ 2015 —> The company continues to roll out seeds engineered with new herbicide resistance, releasing dicamba-resistant cotton. Dicamba-resistant soybeans would be introduced a year later. For each product, however, the corresponding dicamba-based herbicide still has yet to be approved. Monsanto was rejected after making a $45 billion offer to buy Syngenta, a Swiss competitor that sells seeds and agricultural chemicals. Syngenta was sold in February 2016 to a Chinese company, ChemChina, for $43 billion.

⚠️ 2016 —> Bayer announces intentions to acquire Monsanto with Monsanto’s board agreeing to sell the company for $66 billion to the German pharmaceutical company.

⚠️ 2018 —> Monsanto and their increasingly popular “Ready-To-Use”, “Dual-Action,” and “Pro-Max” residential and commercial grade variations completed a $63B transaction with the BigPharma BigChemical BigAgriculture multi-national Fortune 500 conglomerate out of Germany, Bayer AG…

Closing Thoughts: This Roundup Cancer Lawsuit – Paving the Way Forward

As we reflect on this Roundup Cancer Lawsuit, it becomes increasingly clear that it serves as a potent catalyst for addressing a much larger issue that demands our immediate attention. In doing so, we must strike a balance between holding those responsible accountable and extending our compassion to those who have been adversely affected.

Now, let’s have a reality check and engage in some candid conversation. When you fully grasp the profound impact these toxins have had on nearly every aspect of our lives, you gain a perspective on how this issue could persist. These corporations play the long game, expertly prolonging court cases and manipulating time to their advantage.

Consider the agencies responsible for “approvals” and “safety measures,” which were supposed to safeguard us from harm. Think about the hidden dangers that undermine our immune systems, leaving us vulnerable. A cancer diagnosis is no longer an immediate death sentence, thanks to medical advancements and proactive measures.

However, what can prevent someone from overcoming this challenge? Often, it’s the financial burden, the inability to stop working, and the weight of being a provider for loved ones. Now juxtapose this with the limitless resources of these corporate giants, who invest in controlling information, shaping narratives, and minimizing risks.

How many people do you know who could potentially be affected or should be taking action in a case like this? Yet, many may choose to ignore the situation out of overwhelm or opt for the comfort of ignorance. This is precisely what allows such negligent actions to persist, while these corporations receive what may seem like substantial penalties but are mere high-fives within their financial landscape.

Our duty is clear: we must prevent the mistakes that led to this situation from recurring. Our responsibility extends to our children and the generations who will inherit this planet. We’ve reached a point where taking action is no longer merely an option – it’s an imperative, a pledge to safeguard our collective future.

Turning things around and working with nature to restore and sustain ecosystems is a crucial goal. Here are some steps and principles to consider:

  • Education and Awareness: Start with education. Raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and the interconnectedness of ecosystems. Understanding the fundamentals of how nature works is key to appreciating its value.
  • Sustainable Practices: Promote sustainable agriculture, forestry, and fishing practices. This involves using methods that don’t harm the environment, such as organic farming, crop rotation, and responsible logging.
  • Conservation and Restoration: Support and engage in conservation efforts. This can include protecting natural habitats, reforestation, and wetland restoration. Many organizations work on these initiatives, and volunteering can make a difference.
  • Reducing Chemical Use: Encourage reduced chemical use in agriculture and landscaping. This could involve using natural pest control methods, reducing pesticide and fertilizer use, and adopting integrated pest management strategies.
  • Promote Native Species: Plant native species in gardens and green spaces. Native plants are adapted to local conditions and support local wildlife.
  • Reduce Pollution: Work to reduce pollution in air and water. This includes reducing emissions, supporting clean energy, and preventing pollution from entering waterways.
  • Support Policy Changes: Advocate for policies that protect the environment. This could include supporting regulations that limit greenhouse gas emissions, protect endangered species, and promote sustainable land use.
  • Consumer Choices: Make sustainable choices as consumers. This involves buying products with eco-friendly certifications, reducing waste, and supporting businesses with strong environmental practices.
  • Community Involvement: Get involved in community initiatives and organizations focusing on environmental issues. Local action can have a significant impact.
  • Promote Sustainable Technology: Support and develop technologies that can help solve environmental problems, such as renewable energy sources and efficient transportation.
  • Reduce Overconsumption: Encourage a shift away from a culture of overconsumption. Promote practices like repair, reuse, and recycling.
  • Advocate for Education: Support environmental education in schools and communities to ensure that future generations understand the importance of working with nature.
  • Practice Patience: Understand that reversing environmental damage takes time. Be patient and persistent in your efforts.

Remember that collective action is critical. Working together, we can positively impact the environment and move toward a future where nature thrives and we coexist harmoniously.


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  • Bayer Ordered to Pay $2.25 Billion in Roundup Cancer Case
    • Bayer Ordered to Pay $2.25 Billion in Roundup Cancer Case

      A Pennsylvania man was just awarded $2.25 billion after developing cancer from Bayer's Roundup weedkiller. The jury found that years of using Roundup for yard work at his house caused his non-Hodgkins lymphoma. This monumental verdict includes $250 million in compensatory damages and a staggering $2 billion in punitive damages.

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  • Bayer Ordered to Pay $3.5 Million in Latest Roundup Weedkiller Trial
    • Bayer Ordered to Pay $3.5 Million in Latest Roundup Weedkiller Trial

      Bayer was ordered on December 5th to pay nearly $3.5 million by a Philadelphia jury that found the company's Roundup weedkiller caused a woman's cancer, the latest in a string of trial losses for the company. Like most plaintiffs in Roundup cases, the plaintiff alleged in the most recent case that she developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma from exposure to the product.

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  • Bayer Ordered to Pay $1.56 Billion to Settle Roundup Lawsuits
    • Bayer Ordered to Pay $1.56 Billion to Settle Roundup Lawsuits

      In addition to failure to warn, the jury found Bayer responsible for design defect and negligence. After hearing arguments and closely examining the evidence, the jury sided with the plaintiffs and awarded $1.56 billion in a landmark decision and one of the largest jury awards of 2023.

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  • October Brings Half a Billion in Verdict Losses to Bayer
    • October Brings Half a Billion in Verdict Losses to Bayer

      The last two weeks of October haven’t been kind to Bayer, with courts across the country dealing massive blows to the biotech giant. Over the span of just two weeks, juries have awarded more than half a billion dollars in damages to Roundup cancer victims.

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  • Monsanto Sued for Leaving Noncitizen Cancer Patient Out of Roundup Deal
    • Monsanto Sued for Leaving Noncitizen Cancer Patient Out of Roundup Deal

      Roundup manufacturer Bayer faces a new federal lawsuit, alleging the corporation refused to finalize a settlement payout for a non-U.S. citizen who developed cancer after using Roundup. Bayer failed to pay a $412 million agreement from its $10 billion settlement fund, claiming the victim failed to meet the terms of her settlement agreement.

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  • Lawsuit Alleges Monsanto/Bayer Violated Civil Rights Statute
    • Lawsuit Alleges Monsanto/Bayer Violated Civil Rights Statute

      Bayer and its owner, Monsanto, were hit with a fresh federal lawsuit for refusing to pay a $412 million settlement to Elvira Reyes-Hernandez, a non-U.S.-citizen plaintiff who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2019 after exposure to Monsanto product Roundup while working on tree farms in Virginia. The lawsuit accuses the corporations of violating section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act.

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Does Roundup Cause Cancer?

Despite ongoing debate about whether Roundup causes cancer, its link to cancer has resulted in significant settlements in lawsuits against Bayer from individuals who developed cancer after using it.

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